Disclaimer: The Torchbearers Foundation is not associated with any of the resources listed below. We have compiled a list of resources that we believe are credible and appear to be doing good work in order to facilitate awareness and access to information.
We believe that every life has inherent value. If you are feeling suicidal and having thoughts of harming yourself, we encourage you to reach out to any adult who you feel safe with.
In case you are not comfortable reaching out to a known person, we are sharing some links to organizations below where you can connect with trained volunteers or trained mental health professionals.
Sr. No. | Name | Link | Description |
1 | Reach out to Life Foundation | 24/7 short term distress assistance | |
2 | Connecting NGO | Available during defined operating hours, please check their website or reach out to them for more details | |
3 | iCALL | Available during defined operating hours, please check their website or reach out to them for more details |